Azurite - Mineral and Healing Properties

Chemistry: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2, Copper Carbonate Hydroxide
Class: Carbonates
Uses: Ornamental stone, pigment, minor ore of copper, and jewelry.
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Azurite Cubes
Azurite Crystal
Azurite Malachite
Azurite is a very popular mineral because of its unparalleled color, a deep blue called "azure", hence its name. The color is due to the presence of copper (a strong coloring agent), and the way the copper chemically combines with the carbonate groups (CO3) and hydroxyls (OH).
At times its color is too deep and larger crystals can appear black. Small crystals and crusts show the lighter azure color well. Azurite is often associated with its colorful close cousin, malachite.
Green malachite is closely associated with azurite in many ways. Not only do they frequently occur together they also have very similar formulae. Malachite can also replace azurite, making a pseudo morph, or an exact copy of an azurite crystal (only now instead of being blue, it would be green).
It is also an unimportant ore of copper, although its significance has been more impressive in the past. It is still considered a minor ore of copper; mostly because it is found associated with other more valuable copper ores. Fine crystal clusters, nodular specimens, and interesting and beautiful combinations with malachite are important pieces in anyone's mineral collection.
The magnificent color of azurite is worth mentioning again as it truly is a one-of-a-kind in the mineral world. Azurite is one of those classic minerals.

Origin Of The Name
Azure is derived from the Arabic word for blue.

Interesting Facts
Azurite paints made centuries ago have undergone the transformation much to the imagined horror of artists whose paintings of beautiful blue skies now have a most unusual green hue! Thankfully for mineralogists and collectors, this transformation is one of the most aesthetically pleasing in the mineral kingdom.
Although the malachite may soften the sharpness of the azurite crystal, it generally leaves the specimen intact and a whole range of transformations from pure azurite to pure malachite can be obtained. There really is no comparison to any other mineral to mineral transformation in terms of overall beauty.
Azurite is a deep blue copper mineral produced by weathering of copper ore deposits that is soft in color and it frequently forms with the green mineral stone Malachite. Azurite is sometimes impregnated with a clear wax to enhance color and appearance yet it is mainly used to stabilize the stone. This is due to the fact that Azurite is a soft brittle stone and ammonia, acids and hot liquids can damage or dissolve it and can scratch easy.

Where Is It Found
Notable Occurrences include numerous localities worldwide, but special localities produce some outstanding specimens especially from Lasal, Utah; Bisbee, Arizona and New Mexico, USA; Mexico; Tsumeb, Nambia; Shaba, Congo; Toussit, Morocco; Australia and in many locations in Europe.

What Do We Do With It
Azurite is used in jewelry. Azurite has been used as a dye for paints and fabrics for eons. Azurite was used as a blue pigment for centuries.
Depending on the degree of fineness to which it was ground, and its basic content of copper carbonate, it gave a wide range of blues.
Azurite is used occasionally as beads and as jewelry, and also as an ornamental stone. However, its softness and tendency to lose its deep blue color as it weathers limit such uses. Heating destroys azurite easily, so all mounting of azurite specimens must be done at room temperature.

Metaphysical Uses
Azurite is the stone that awaken psychic ability, insight and intuition. Azurite is called the "stone of heaven." It aids in developing psychic awareness, psychic skills and abilities, enhancing intuition. Excellent for meditation. Brings just the right amount of energy to any situation. Professed to be helpful for healing in general, cancer prevention, liver issues arthritis, joint problems, depression, sinuses, skin problems. Azurite is most closely related to the third eye chakra, and can balance, stimulate, and empower it. It will also work to align all of the chakras. Azurite in combination with malachite is excellent for stress and anxiety relief.
No crystal embodies the pure Blue Ray quite like Azurite. The rich vibrancy of its dark-blue energy resonates to the exact frequency of the Third-Eye Chakra, and has been guiding souls to enlightenment since the earliest civilizations began. To the inhabitants of Atlantis and the early Egyptians, Azurite was a most potent psychic stone and shrouded in mystery; its secrets known only to the highest priests and priestesses. It was called the Stone of Heaven by the ancient Chinese who believed it to open celestial gateways, and was revered by Greeks and Romans for its visionary insights and healing powers. For the Mayans, Azurite inspired the mystical self and facilitated the transfer of wisdom and knowledge via thought, while Native Americans used this sacred stone to contact their spiritual Indian guide, feel the presence and understand the message.
It resonates within both the sacral chakra and the heart chakra to help you to recognize a loving attitude in others and will stimulate the same in yourself. Within your thymus chakra or higher heart.... it helps to bring through strong compassion and empathy for the circumstances of others.

Physical Characteristics
Color: Azure, deep blue or pale blue if found in small crystals or crusts.
Luster: Vitreous to dull depending on habit.
Transparency: : Transparent if in thin crystals, otherwise translucent to opaque.
Crystal System: Monoclinic; 2/m.
Crystal Habits: Crystals are irregular blades with wedge shaped terminations. Also, aggregate crusts and radiating, botroyoidal, nodular and earthy masses.
Cleavage: Good in one direction and fair in another.
Fracture: Conchoidal and brittle.
Hardness: 3.5 - 4.
Specific Gravity: 3.7+ (heavier than average).
Streak: Blue.
Associated Minerals: Numerous and include malachite limonite, calcite, Cerussite, quartz, chalcopyrite, native copper, cuprite, chrysocolla, Aurichalcite, Shattuckite, liroconite, connellite and other oxidized copper minerals.
Best Field Indicators: Color, softness, crystal habits and associations.

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