Kidz Rocks Articles

Origins of Crystal Healing 0
It is fair to say that as long as we have existed as a species, we have had an affinity with stones and crystals. The use of talismans and amulets dates back to the beginnings of humankind, although we have no way of knowing how the earliest of these objects were viewed or used. Many early pieces were organic in origin. Beads carved of mammoth ivory have been excavated from a grave in Sungir, Russia, dating back 60,000 years (Upper Palaeolithic period), as well contemporary beads made from shell and fossil shark's teeth.
The oldest amulets are of Baltic amber, some from as long as 30,000 years ago and amber beads were discovered in Britain from 10,000 years ago, the end of the last ice age. The distance they travelled to reach Britain shows their value to the people of that time. Jet was also popular and jet beads, bracelets and necklaces have been discovered in Palaeolithic gravesites in Switzerland and Belgium. There have been malachite mines in Sinai since 4000 BC.
Amulets were banned by the Christian church in 355 AD, but gemstones continued to play an important role, with sapphire being the favored gem for ecclesiastical rings in the 12th century. Marbodus, the Bishop of Rennes in the 11th century, claimed that agate would make the wearer more agreeable, persuasive and in favor of God. There were also many symbolic references, such as the carbuncle representing Christ's sacrifice.
The first historical references to the use of crystals come from Ancient Sumerians, who included crystals in magic formulas. The Ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald and clear quartz in their jewelry. They also carved grave amulets of the same gems. The Ancient Egyptians used stones primarily for protection and health. Chrysolite (later translated as both topaz and peridot) was used to combat night terrors and purge evil spirits. Egyptians also used crystals cosmetically. Galena (lead ore) was ground to a powder and used as the eye shadow known as kohl. Malachite was used in a similar manner. Green stones in general were used to signify the heart of the deceased and were included in burials. Green stones were used in a similar way at a later period in Ancient Mexico.
The Ancient Greeks attributed a number of properties to crystals and many names we use today are of Greek origin. The word 'crystal' comes from the Greek word for ice, as it was believed that clear quartz was water that had frozen so deeply that it would always remain solid. The word amethyst means 'not drunken' and was worn as an amulet to prevent both drunkenness and hangovers. Hematite comes from the word for blood, because of the red coloration produced when it oxidizes. Hematite is an iron ore and the ancient Greeks associated iron with Aries, the god of war. Greek soldiers would rub hematite over their bodies before battle, purportedly to make themselves invulnerable. Greek sailors also wore a variety of amulets to keep them safe at sea.
Jade was highly valued in ancient China and some Chinese written characters represent jade beads. Musical instruments in the form of chimes were made from jade and around 1000 years ago Chinese emperors were sometimes buried in jade armor. There are burials with jade masks from around the same period in Mexico. Jade was recognized as a kidney healing stone both in China and South America. More recently, dating from around 250 years ago, the Maoris of New Zealand wore jade pendants representing the ancestor spirits, which were passed down many generations through the male line. The tradition of green stones being lucky continues in parts of New Zealand to this day.
Crystals and gemstones have played a part in all religions. They are mentioned throughout the Bible, in the Koran and many other religious texts. The origin of birthstones is the breastplate of Aaron, or the "High Priest's Breastplate", as mentioned in the book of Exodus. In the Koran, the 4th Heaven is composed of carbuncle (garnet). The Kalpa Tree, which represents an offering to the gods in Hinduism, is said to be made entirely of precious stone and a Buddhist text from the 7th century describes a diamond throne situated near the Tree of Knowledge (the neem tree under which Siddhartha meditated). On this throne a thousand Kalpa Buddhas reposed. The Kalpa Sutra, in Jainism, speaks of Harinegamesi the divine commander of the foot troops who seized 14 precious stones, cleansed them of their lesser qualities and retained only their finest essence to aid his transformations.
There is also an ancient sacred lapidary treatise, the Ratnapariksha of Buddhabhatta. Some sources state that it is Hindu but it is most likely Buddhist. The date is uncertain, but it is probably from the 6th Century. In this treatise diamonds figure highly, as the king of gemstones and are ranked according to caste. The Sanskrit word for diamond, vajra, is also the word for the Hindu goddess Indra's thunderbolt and diamonds are often associated with thunder. The ruby was also highly revered. It represented an inextinguishable flame, and was purported to preserve both the physical and mental health of the wearer. The treatise lists many other gemstones and their properties.
In Europe, from the 11th century through the Renaissance a number of medical treatises appeared extolling the virtues of precious and semi-precious stones in the treatment of certain ailments. Typically stones were used alongside herbal remedies. Authors included Hildegard von Binghen, Arnoldus Saxo, and John Mandeville. There are also references to stones with particular qualities of strength or protection. In 1232 Hubert de Burgh, the chief justicular of Henry III, was accused of stealing a gem from the king's treasury which would make the wearer invincible and giving it to Llewellyn, the King of Wales and Henry's enemy. It was also believed that gemstones were corrupted by the original sins of Adam, could possibly be inhabited by demons, or if handled by a sinner, their virtues would depart. Therefore, they should be sanctified and consecrated before wearing. There is an echo of this belief today in the cleansing and programming of crystals before use in crystal healing.
During the Renaissance the tradition of using precious stones in healing was still accepted, but the enquiring minds of the period sought to find out how the process actually worked and give it a more scientific explanation.
In 1609 Anselmus de Boot, court physician to Rudolf II of Germany, suggested that any virtue a gemstone has is due to the presence of good or bad angels. The good angels would confer a special grace to the gems, but the bad angels would tempt people into believing in the stone itself, and not in God's gifts bestowed on it. He goes on to name certain stones as helpful, and put other's qualities down simply to superstition. Later in the same century, Thomas Nicols expressed in his 'Faithful Lapidary' that gems, as inanimate objects, could not possess the effects claimed in the past. Thus, in the Age of Enlightenment, the use of precious stones for healing and protection began to fall from favour in Europe.
In the early part of the 19th century, a number of interesting experiments were conducted to demonstrate the effects of stones on subjects who believed themselves to be clairvoyant. In one case, the subject claimed to feel not only physical and emotional changes when touched with various stones, but also to experience smells and tastes.
Until recently, jet was popularly worn by those in mourning, and garnet was often worn in times of war. There is a tradition in a local family in southwest England: every female descendent wears an antique moonstone necklace for her wedding, which has been in the family for generations. It was only recently that families realized this was a fertility symbol.
Many tribal cultures have continued the use of gemstones in healing until very recently, if not through to the present day. The Zuni tribe in New Mexico make stone fetishes, which represent animal spirits. These were ceremonially 'fed' on powdered turquoise and ground maize. Beautiful inlaid fetishes are still made to sell, and are very collectable artifacts or sculptures, although the spiritual practice surrounding them is no longer much in use. Other Native American tribes still hold precious stones, especially turquoise, sacred. Both Aborigines and Maoris have traditions regarding stones and healing or spiritual practice, some of which they share with the rest of the world, while some knowledge still kept private within their communities.
It is interesting to note that there are many examples of gemstones meaning similar things to different cultures, even when there has been absolutely no interaction between these cultures, and no opportunity for crossover. Jade was considered to be a kidney healing stone by the ancient Chinese, and also Aztec and Mayan civilizations, turquoise has been worn to give strength and health all over the world, and jaspers have almost always conferred both strength and calm.
In the 1980s, with the advent of the New Age culture, the use of crystals and gemstones began to re-emerge as a healing method. Much of the practice was drawn from old traditions, with more information gained by experimentation and channeling. Books by Katrina Rafaell in the 80s, and Melody and Michael Gienger in the 90s, helped to popularize the use of crystals.
These days there are a large number of books available on the subject, and crystals are frequently featured in magazine and newspaper articles. Crystal therapy crosses the boundaries of religious and spiritual beliefs. It is no longer viewed as the domain of alternative culture, but as an acceptable and more mainstream complimentary therapy, and many colleges now offer it as a subject.

Ancient Uses of Rocks and Minerals 0
The odd and unique beliefs and things mankind has used rocks and minerals for over the centuries is truly a fascinating journey to learn about. Enjoy!
AMAZONITE – Was used extensively by the Egyptians and is called the stone of courage and is said to be named after the Amazon women warriors. Some archaeological evidence suggests that the Amazonians were a matriarchal society during the Bronze Age.
AMETHYST - The name "amethyst" comes from the Greek word amethustos which means "not drunken." In the ancient world most sources of water were not safe to drink so everyone would drink wine. They would carry a piece of Amethyst believing that it would ward of the effects of alcohol so they would not suffer the many perils associated with being too drunk.
COPAL AMBER - Since ancient times, Copal has been considered sacred to the people of Mexico, as well as South and Central America. It goes as far back to the Mayan and Aztec cultures. Mass amounts of copal resin were burned atop the Aztec and Mayan pyramids as offerings to the gods and deities. In the Mayan ruins, copal was discovered in the burial grounds, proving its spiritual significance.
APATITE - The bones and teeth of most animals, including humans, are composed of calcium phosphate, which is the same material as Apatite. Moon rocks collected by astronauts during the Apollo program contain traces of apatite.
AQUAMARINE - The Romans believed that if the figure of a frog were carved on an aquamarine, it served to reconcile enemies and make them friends. Another Roman legend stated that the stone absorbs the atmosphere of young love: When blessed and worn, it joins in love, and does great things. Aquamarine was also considered the most appropriate morning gift to give to a bride by her groom following the consummation of their marriage. The Greeks and the Romans knew the aquamarine as the sailor's gem, ensuring the safe and prosperous passage across stormy seas. In Medieval times, the stone was thought to reawaken the love of married couples. It was also believed to render soldiers invincible.
AZURITE - Azurite paints made centuries ago have undergone the transformation much to the imagined horror of artists whose paintings of beautiful blue skies now have a most unusual green hue! Azurite is a metamorphic rock meaning that over time it changes form Azurite to Malachite and Chrysocolla. Thankfully for mineralogists and collectors, this transformation is one of the most aesthetically pleasing in the mineral kingdom.
BIOTITE MICA - Mica was known to ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations, as well as the Aztec civilization of the New World. The earliest use of mica has been found in cave paintings created during the Upper Paleolithic period (40,000 to 10,000 B.C.E.).
BLOODSTONE - The most widely known legend of this stone comes from the Middle Ages and claims the Blood Stone was formed at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when the blood of his wounds fell onto the dark green earth and turned to stone. Another version declares the blood of Christ, which flowed from the fatal spear-thrust, fell upon a Green Jasper lying at the foot of the Cross, and from this sprang the Bloodstone variety of Jasper. In India, specimens of bloodstone with the finest colors are crushed, ground into a powder, and used as an aphrodisiac. Bloodstone was called stone of Babylon by Albert the Great and he referred to several magical properties, which were attributed to it from Late Antiquity. Pliny the Elder (1st century) mentioned first that the magicians used it as a stone of invisibility. Damigeron (4th century) wrote about its property to make rain, solar eclipse and its special virtue in divination and preserving health and youth.
CELESTITE – Celestite (strontium sulphate) is used in fireworks, because of its ability to burn with a bright red flame. The beautiful red color of most fireworks is caused by adding a strontium compound to the pyrotechnic mixture.
CARNELIAN - Ancient Warriors wore Carnelian around their neck for courage and physical power to conquer their enemies. In Egypt it was worn by master architects to show their rank of builder, and alchemists of the Middle Ages used it as a boiling stone to activate the energy of other Chalcedonies. As the first stone in the breastplate of the High Priest, it signified the blood of the martyrs and was once believed to prevent illness and the Plague. The ancient Egyptians called Carnelian the setting sun. Carnelian was recovered from Bronze Age Minoan layers at Knossos on Crete in a form that demonstrated its use in decorative arts; this use dates to approximately 1800 BC. Carnelian was used widely during Roman times to make engraved gems for signet or seal rings for imprinting a seal with wax on correspondence or other important documents. Hot wax does not stick to carnelian. Carnelian was used for Assyrian cylinder seals, Egyptian and Phoenician scarabs, and early Greek and Etruscan gems.
CHALCOPYRITE – Has high copper content and the Egyptians (as early as 3900 B.C.E.) were the first people to create bronze, a mixture of copper and tin. This marked the beginning of the Bronze Age.
CHRYSOCOLLA - Chrysocolla has been known to man since the beginning of recorded history. Using Chrysocolla was first recorded in 315 BC by a Greek philosopher and botanist named Theophrastus. Legend has it that eilat stone was originally mined in King Solomon's mines in Africa. In ancient Egypt, it was called the "wise stone" because it shielded and encouraged the mind during negotiations. Those who wore it generally came up with clever compromises and resolutions and it is said that Cleopatra wore chrysocolla jewelry everywhere she went. Nero was a Roman Emperor and well-known patron of the green faction of ancient Rome. These ancient factions were split into four colors: red, white, blue and green and were elite clubs that people felt loyalty to above all others. They would have many competitions, such as chariot races, and would do anything to ensure that their club would win and be proven superior. The green faction was the most dominant club, so when Nero was to take part in a race as a charioteer, he dusted the circus arena with ground green chrysocolla powder instead of using the customary sand.
CITRINE - From the earliest of times, citrine was called the "sun stone" and the gemstone was thought capable of holding sunlight and useful in the protection from snakebite. Its color was associated with gold and it became known as the merchant's stone. It was thought to improve communication and to attract wealth. To the Romans, it was the stone of Mercury, the messenger god, and it was used for carving intaglios.
COPPER - Copper was first used as early as 10,000 years ago. A copper pendant was found in 8700 B.C. in Northern Iraq. The early use of copper probably resulted from the natural occurrence of copper in native form. The Copper Age followed the Stone Age.
EMERALD - Emerald has been a source of fascination and reverence in many cultures for over six thousand years, sold in the markets of Babylon as early as 4,000 B.C. It was a stone worshipped by the Incas, believed by the Chaldeans to contain a goddess, and was highly honored in all major religions for its spiritual power and beauty. Emerald was considered a symbol of eternal life in ancient Egypt, a gift of Thoth, the god of wisdom, and was a favorite jewel of Queen Cleopatra.
GALENA - One of the oldest uses of galena (pure lead) was as kohl, which in Ancient Egypt, was applied around the eyes to reduce the glare of the desert sun and to repel flies, which were a potential source of disease. Galena was used as a solder used by the Romans for plumbing (the decline of the Roman empire is attributed to lead in the water supply!)
GYPSUM - In the early nineteenth century it was regarded as an almost miraculous fertilizer. American farmers were so anxious to acquire it that a lively smuggling trade with Nova Scotia evolved, resulting in the so-called "Plaster War" of 1812. Orbital pictures from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) indicate the existence of gypsum dunes in the northern polar region of Mars.
HEMATITE - The red chalk writing of this mineral was one of the earliest writing in the history of humans. The powdery mineral was first used 164,000 years ago by the Pinnacle-Point man possibly for social purposes. Hematite residues are also found in graves from 80,000 years ago. Near Rydno in Poland and Lovas in Hungary red chalk mines have been found that are from 5000 BC, belonging to the Linear Pottery culture at the Upper Rhine.
JADE - Chinese emperors were buried in suits made of the stone because they believed it would make them live on forever. The name has been used for both boys and girls in the United States. Jade was the 113th most popular name for girls born in the United States in 2007.
KYANITE - In ancient times, it was believed that when kyanite was suspended from a human hair, it could follow the Earth's magnetic force in the same manner as a compass needle. For this reason, many travelers took kyanite along with them when they went on long journeys and entered unknown territories.
LABRADORITE - According to an Eskimo legend, the Northern Lights were once imprisoned in the rocks along the coast of Labrador. It is told that a wandering Eskimo warrior found them and was able to free most of the lights with a mighty blow of his spear. Some of the lights were still trapped within the stone, and thus we have today the beautiful mineral known as labradorite.
LAPIS LAZULI - The funeral mask for the ancient Egyptian pharaoh 'King Tut' was discovered to have been decorated with lapis lazuli. In a grave from the Indus valley, the lapis ornaments found were dated as 9000 years old. Lapis powder was extensively used by Roman, Persian and Chinese women to paint their eyebrows. From the days of ancient Greece and Rome trough to the Renaissance, lapis was pulverized to make a durable pigment called ultramarine, which was used extensively to produce the intense blue of many of the world's most famous oil paintings.
LODESTONE (Magnetite) - Lodestone is one of only two minerals that is found naturally magnetized; the other, pyrrhotite, is only weakly magnetic. The discovery of magnets was first documented around 2500-3000 B.C. There are several reports about how this happened ~ one is that they were discovered in Asia Minor in a land called "Magnesia", where the earth was full of iron oxide which naturally attracted metals to it. The local citizens named that special substance "Magnetite". Another report is that there was a young Greek shepherd named Magnes who was climbing Mount Ida. He was wearing sandals with iron nails in them, as was common in his day, and he noticed that it was extremely difficult to lift his feet off the rocky mountainside.
MALACHITE - The first culture to make extensive use of malachite was that of Egypt, a country whose history with malachite goes back at least as far as 4,000 BC when it was heavily mined in the famous King Solomon's copper mines on the Red Sea. Reputed to have strong therapeutic properties, Egyptians believed that wearing malachite in bands around the head and arms protected the wearer from the frequent cholera epidemics that ravaged Egypt -- since slaves who mined malachite were often unaffected by the plagues. In the Middle Ages, parents attached Malachite to their childers's beds to ward off evil spirits and witches.
OBSIDIAN - Modern archaeologists have developed a relative dating system, obsidian hydration dating, to calculate the age of obsidian artifacts. In Ubaid in the 5th millennium BC, blades were manufactured from obsidian mined in today's Turkey. It was also polished to create early mirrors. Obsidian was also used in ritual circumcisions because of its deftness and sharpness.
PERIDOT - The ancient Romans called it 'evening emerald' since its color did not darken at night, but could still be appreciated by candlelight and the light of a campfire. It is a gem especially connected with ancient Egypt, and some historians believe that the famous emeralds of Cleopatra were actually peridot gems. Peridot was also brought back to Europe by the Crusaders and was often used to decorate medieval churches. In ancient beliefs, peridot was a gift of Mother Nature to celebrate the annual creation of a new world.
PETRIFIED WOOD - Native Americans had various beliefs about the origin of the petrified logs in what is now Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. Natives of the Paiute tribe held that these giant petrifications were spent arrow shafts and spears dispatched by the Thunder God Shinauav and his enemies during a great battle. Members of the Navajo tribe believed they were the bones of the great giant monster Yeitso.
PYRITE - In ancient Roman times, this name was applied to several types of stone that would create sparks when struck against steel. Ancient Incas used Pyrite as mirrors.
QUARTZ - Quartz is the most common material identified as the mystical substance maban in Australian Aboriginal mythology. It is found regularly in passage tomb cemeteries in Europe in a burial context, such as Newgrange or Carrowmore in the Republic of Ireland. Quartz was also used in Prehistoric Ireland, as well as many other countries, for stone tools; both vein quartz and rock crystal were knapped as part of the lithic technology of the prehistoric peoples.
RHODOCHROSITE - The Incas believed that rhodochrosite is the blood of their former rulers, turned to stone, therefore it is sometimes called "Rosa del Inca" or "Inca Rose".
RUBY - Rubies have always been held in high esteem in Asian countries. They were used to ornament armor, scabbards, and harnesses of noblemen in India and China. Rubies were laid beneath the foundation of buildings to secure good fortune to the structure. Ancient Hindus believed that by making an offering of a ruby to Krishna, rebirth as an emperor was assured. Burmese warriors believed that rubies would make them invincible, and even inserted rubies under their skin for this purpose.
SULFUR – A sulfur ointment was used in ancient Egypt to treat granular eyelids. Sulfur was used for fumigation in preclassical Greece; this is mentioned in the Odyssey Pliny the Elder discusses sulfur in book 35 of his Natural History, saying that its best-known source is the island of Melos. He mentions its use for fumigation, medicine, and bleaching cloth. A natural form of sulfur was known in China since the 6th century BC and found in Hanzhong. By the 3rd century, the Chinese discovered that sulfur could be extracted from pyrite.

How To Shop Our Website Store 0
Please read this article to learn about the unique methods we use to sell our products as well as the different types of listings you will find on our store. | |
First, we always show the specimen in a hand which is the best visual reference to determine how large the rock will be in real life. Our bulk purchase listings always show the rock in both an adult and a child's hand and we also show the rock or a group of the rocks with a ruler in the image as well. |
Bulk purchase listings are used for types of minerals where every specimen is very close to the same quality, size and shape as every other specimen for that one type of product. When reviewing a bulk purchase listing please always look closely at the listing photo that shows a group of the rocks together. This gives you a good idea of how much the specimens vary from one to another. Some types of minerals are hard to tell one specimen from another while other types of minerals vary quite a bit in either shape or color from one piece to the next. EXACT PURCHASE LISTINGS You are buying the exact rock shown in the listing photographs. Our exact purchase listings will not have the "Bulk Purchase" paragraph but will say "You are buying the exact rock shown". Sometimes we also include the depth as well. For most of these listings we show a second photograph with the rock and a ruler. The main photo in the hand will be one side of the specimen and the photo with the ruler will be the other side of it. Quickly Identify Bulk from Exact Purchase |
Our store charges $3.18 for the first rock which is what USPS charges us for a package up to 8 ounces. It then charges for each additional rock you add to your order. Our store never charges more than $7.00 for shipping no matter how many rock are on your order. If your order requires a larger more expensive shipping box we pay the extra fee as a courtesy to our customers. |
We love to share crystals and minerals with others so we include a nice free surprise specimen in every order! Also, you get 10% off when you buy 5 or more of our products! We do not mark our products up by 10%, we just make less on each rock but make it up by selling larger numbers of rocks. We do everything we can to help you build your collection without breaking your pocket book. |
So how do we sell such large sized high quality specimens for so much lower prices than you see on other stores? Well, first, we are just not greedy. We simply enjoy sharing rocks and minerals with others and make an honest living. We are growing a trusted and valued brand of loyal customers that in the years to come will become a business that actually makes pretty good money. But there is of course more to it than just not marking up our products a lot. We have spent years researching and tracking down the miners who are mining the rocks or the suppliers that buying directly from the miners. Cutting out countless middlemen dramatically lowers what we have to pay to bring the products to you. We have a global supply chain and can get almost any type of mineral and at much better prices than most rock shops. |
When you buy from Kidz Rocks, what you see IS what you get! |
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Rock and Mineral Buyers Guide 0
We have created this Buyers Guide to serve our valued customers by helping you to make educated purchasing decisions that maximize your enjoyment in your rock and mineral purchases from online sellers.
Of course, online purchasing by seeing photographs and descriptions of mineral specimens isn’t the same as buying in person, so here are some of the important considerations to be aware of when buying from an online seller:

When it comes to your enjoyment of mineral specimens, size does matter! There is a huge difference in how much more enjoyable a 3 inch specimen is than a 1 inch specimen. There is nothing more disappointing than seeing a nice rock online and then when you get it in the mail it is a tiny little specimen .. AND you paid good money for it.To be sure that you’ll be getting what you really want, buy only from sellers that have several visual reference points, showing clearly the actual size and overall appearance of the specimen in the photos, with a ruler shown in the photo and the detailed measurements written in the listing description. Showing the specimen being held in someone’s hand is one of the best references to show its true size.
Also, while lowest price shopping is always smart, making sure you’ll be getting a nice sized specimen at a fair price is the best way to ensure your enjoyment of your purchases. What is the age old saying? "Don't be penny wise and pound foolish", especially when it comes to investing in your cherished mineral collection.

Kidz Rocks brand is known for generous sized specimens and at prices well below the competition.
We are able to do that with a combination of being active miners ourselves, and also by sourcing products either directly from the mines or as close to the mine as possible, cutting out the usual "middle men". Most people like a larger specimen and I do my very best to deliver larger than expected specimens and at prices below the competition.

Weight does not actually matter when buying mineral specimens because you would also need to know the density of the type of mineral for the weight to actually be a meaningful reference of size. An 8 ounce common green opal is a 5 inch specimen while a 8 ounce galena is about 1 1/2 inches.
Where weight DOES matter is when you see a seller listing mineral specimens by "Carat" weight. DON'T be fooled and then disappointed when you receive a tiny. Carat weight is typically only used for faceted gemstones such as diamonds, emeralds and pearls, not for mineral specimens. If, for example, a seller lists Lapis Lazuli as "100 CARATS AAAA++ Lapis Lazuli" for $4.95, though that might seem like a bargain price, remember that “100 carats” is really less than 1 ounce, which would mean you’ll be getting a lapis specimen about 1/2 inch in size! Pretty small! At Kidz Rocks, even our free surprise specimens we include in every order are 100 carats, minimum, or even much larger.
If you don't want to be disappointed go with size and do not place much weight on weight! Go with sellers that provide good measurement information both in their photos and listing descriptions. Avoid sellers listing mineral specimens by carat or gram weight, it is a deceptive practice just to make the specimen sound bigger.

When buying mineral specimens color matters as much if not more than size and price. The more vibrant the mineral color as well as the color contrast of specimens with combined minerals, the higher value the specimen.
Did you ever buy a rock online and when you get it in the mail it looks very different than what you saw in the photographs? On the other hand, have you ever bought a Kidz Rocks specimen and it looked exactly like it does in the photographs?
So here's why: Photographing mineral specimens properly is quite complicated and a lot of sellers online do not know how to do it correctly. Using the right camera and using proper lighting for the specimen isn’t something, it’s everything. We feel that few, if any other, sellers do it right - the way we do.
Not to get too technical, but we at Kidz Rocks not only use 4500 degree color temperature bulbs with the camera color temperature set to match the bulbs, we also use the only bulbs available on the market rated 100 CRI, made by Solux. CRI - Color Rendering Index - is a measure of the ability of a light source to reveal the colors of various objects faithfully, when compared with a natural light source. This method of photographing specimens does not change the colors of the specimens when seen onscreen, so color correction, or any other editing to the image, is unnecessary.
When you buy from Kidz Rocks, what you see IS what you get! So to ensure you are not wasting your money only buy from sellers that obviously have extremely high quality photographs.

If you only buy from sellers that have 100% positive only reviews you will always get great products and great service each and every time. Sellers not consistently delivering quality products and service will NEVER have 100% positive reviews.
If you only shop from sellers with 100% positive feedback ratings, you will always be a satisfied customer.

Best advice on policies? Again, only buy from sellers that have 100% positive reviews. Whatever their policies are they are obviously policies that serve their customers first before everything else!
Our policies are simple .. the customer is ALWAYS right!
Thank you for visiting this buyers guide.